Why Support Us?
Malvern Theatres presents over 600 live performances a year attracting some 300,000 visitors. We screen over 700 film showings each year to an audience of over 70,000 film lovers but the shows are only half the story.
Through our Engagement & Creative Learning programme, we work with people of all ages and all abilities, including individuals with a variety of disabilities and complex conditions, to provide experiences which will engage, inspire and empower individuals for life. We successfully achieve all of the above with less than 1% of annual turnover publicly funded, and the vision of our trustees and staff is to become one of the few financially independent theatres in the UK. Since 2012 our local authority funding has fallen by over 50% from £122,810 to £56,800, which equates to 0.95% of our annual turnover in 2015/2016. In the same period, with your generous support, our fundraising efforts have reached over £100,000 per year for the first time. Your financial support has been absolutely critical in helping us remain sustainable as an organisation and pave the way for us to realise our ambitious plans for the future.
Every time you make a monthly donation, take part in one of our fundraising campaigns or leave a gift in your will, you play a crucial part in our story. Together we can protect and cherish this special theatre which for the past 130 years has enthralled audiences and inspired and entertained generations of theatregoers.
“I very much hope that everyone will lend their support to Malvern Theatres in realising their ambitions. It is vital that young and enthusiastic performers are encouraged and given high quality experiences which offer an insight into the world of Drama and Theatre. We must ensure that the next generation safeguard the arts so they continue to thrive and inspire.” Sir Derek Jacobi